The church confronts the challenge of proving that people, who are invited to be a Sponsor for the Sacrament of Confirmation or a Godparent for the Sacrament of Baptism, are in fact practicing Catholics and committed to the faith. In the past, when parishes were small and the Pastor knew almost everyone who attended Mass, this matter was easy to take care of. Nowadays, we know through registration.
When you register as a parishioner, you show at least a basic level of commitment to your faith. We can also track your Mass attendance by your weekly giving, Mass intentions, ministry volunteering, and other acts of service. These records are valuable when the time comes to apply to Catholic Schools.
Often people come to our parish office to request a signed and sealed document testifying that they are parishioners and practicing Catholics and we are unable to provide such document, because we don’t have any kind of records. Registration enables the parish Pastor and staff to get to know you better, and helps us to communicate with you.
Furthermore, registered families receive discounted tuition for CCD classes. When it comes to scheduling any pastoral care needs like a funeral Mass, Anointing of the Sick, Baptisms, and Marriages/Convalidations, you will have preference above a non-registered parishioner.
Please note, it takes time to build a lasting relationship with your parish. Don’t wait. Register today.
Thank your for your interest in joining Our Lady of the Holy Rosary-St. Richard Parish. Please fill out the form below. We will review your application and contact you to confirm your registration and welcome you and your family to our community.