Amigos de Jesus y Maria
El Ministerio Amigos de Jesús y María es un apostolado dirigido a los niños de todas las edades y a sus familias. Su fin, es de enseñar a los niños a orar, profundizar, meditar y conocer los misterios de la vida de Jesús y María a través del Evangelio dominical, el Santo Rosario, la Adoración al Santísimo, y la Consagración al Inmaculado Corazón de Maria y así amarlos con todo su corazón y su vida. Se promueve también el amor a la Iglesia y al Papa y el llevar este amor a sus familias y amistades. Este ministerio se reúne los Domingos a las 11:30 am.
Altar Servers
The role of an altar server is indeed a unique and sacred ministry. Through their active participation in assisting priests and deacons, they have the privilege to contribute directly to the celebration of Mass . It is important to note that individuals interested in becoming altar servers must have received their First Communion before joining this ministry. Additionally, children who serve as altar servers are awarded service hours for their participation.
Bible Study
The goal of our Bible Study program is to encourage members to have a greater understanding of Sacred Scripture, deepen their relationship with Jesus, and provide opportunities for fellowship within the Parish family. Each year, we embark on an exciting adventure of studying and reflecting on one book of the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation, we dive deep into the timeless wisdom contained within these sacred texts. Together, we unravel their mysteries, explore their teachings, and apply them to our daily lives. Bible Study is held every Wednesday at 7:00 pm.
Cenáculo del Rosario
El Cenáculo del Rosario se reúne regularmente para rezar juntos el rosario, ofreciendo oraciones por las intenciones de los miembros y de toda la iglesia. A través de su compromiso con el rosario, los miembros entienden que no solo se unen en oración sino que también se conectan con la comunidad católica universal. El Cenáculo del Rosario se esfuerza por utilizar el poder de la oración para iluminar las necesidades de la comunidad. Este ministerio se reúne los Viernes a las 10:00 am.
CHRISM was established to provide an enrichment co-op to families who have chosen to home educate their children in a structured, entirely Catholic environment. We hope to offer support, encouragement, resources, and information to our members and to offer outreach opportunities to inform the general community about home education. Our ministry strongly emphasizes spiritual maturity and the development of Christian character and Catholic faith values. We collaborate on providing activities and materials that will honor and glorify our LORD. Classes are held 3 times a month (certain Fridays), offering History, Science and Art, from 9:00am-12:30pm to homeschooling families with children from birth through high school.
Clases de Biblia
El objetivo de nuestro programa de estudio bíblico es alentar a los miembros a tener una mayor comprensión de las Sagradas Escrituras, profundizar su relación con Jesús y brindar oportunidades de compañerismo dentro de la familia parroquial. Cada año, nos embarcamos en una emocionante aventura de estudiar y reflexionar sobre un libro de la Biblia. Desde Génesis hasta Apocalipsis, nos sumergimos profundamente en la sabiduría eterna contenida en estos textos sagrados. Juntos, desentrañar sus misterios, exploramos sus enseñanzas y las aplicamos a nuestra vida diaria. Las clases de Biblia se reúnen todos los lunes.
Council of Catholic Women
The Council of Catholic Women unites Catholic women of the parish in the direction of religious, educational, social and economic fields. Their mission is to meet the needs of the community and render support. To reach this goal, the Council of Catholic Women organizes and participates in various community projects such as reaching out to victims of human trafficking and children aging out of the foster home system, hosting collections for the homeless and needy, and providing a variety of social activities for the parish. General Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 3:30 pm.
Couples for Christ – Parejas para Cristo
Couples for Christ ( CFC )/Parejas Para Cristo (PPC ) is a Catholic movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life. The members have committed themselves to the Lord and one another so that they may grow in maturity as men and women of God and fulfill their primary vocation of raising families under the lordship of Jesus Christ and for the service of the Kingdom of God. CFC/PPC provides a continuing program of pastoral and spiritual formation which includes Church teachings, Scriptures, Christian relationships, recollections, and retreats. We are one with the Church and regularly seek her guidance through our Spiritual Director.
Divina Misericordia
El ministerio de la Divina Misericordia se reúne para reflexionar sobre el Diario de Sor Faustina Kowalska y para hacer Acto de Reparación por nuestros pecados y los del mundo entero. Este ministerio se reúne los martes a las 6:00 pm en la iglesia.
Emaús de Mujeres
Emaús de Mujeres es un retiro empoderador para mujeres diseñado por mujeres. Emaús es una experiencia de retiro única que se enfoca en nutrir el crecimiento espiritual de las mujeres y su conexión con Dios. Este programa brinda a los asistentes la oportunidad perfecta para contemplar su relación con Dios y consigo mismos. Este ministerio se reúne los Sábados a las 10:00 am.
A Eucharistic Minister is a parishioner, selected by the Pastor and mandated by the Bishop, who serves, distributes, and administers the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ during the Holy Communion or Eucharist of the Church Service.
FE – Familias Evangelizando
SEEKING HOLINESS IN GOD’S PLAN, FE (FAMILIAS EVANGELIZANDO) are joyful families who are disciples/missionaries and who live and know their faith and are willing, based on their Baptismal call, to gladly share it with others. FE is faithful to the Holy Trinity, the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church under the authority of the Holy Father, the pope, and of the local Archbishop, and, through the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Star of the New Evangelization, evangelize, form, instruct, and train other families in the fundamentals and in depth in the Catholic Faith, cooperating with God as He transforms families, the Church, culture, and society with His grace in the values of the Gospel.
Handmaids of the Lord
The Couples of Christ, Handmaids of the Lord (HOLD), aims to provide a Christian support environment for single mature women, widows, separated or divorced, single parents, wives of overseas workers, and those whose husbands are incapacitated or in prison. Realizing the difficult life and role that these women play in family and society due to loneliness, rejection and fear, HOLD provides pastoral guidance and support to its members. We meet on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 10:30 am.
Healing Ministry
The main purpose of the Healing Ministry is to Pray for healing of body, mind, and spirit, let the sick know the Church loves them, and pray over petitions written in the Petition book as well as anyone who visits us when we meet. This ministry meets on Wednesdays at 5:45 pm.
Helping Hands
We work together to feed the most unfortunate of our parish, try to make the needy and homeless feel remembered and helped, and attempt to evangelize little by little. We meet on the 1st Saturday of the month at 9:00AM and 3rd Saturday of the month at 7:30 am to make sandwiches. We also meet on Fridays at 10:00 AM to make plastic bag floor mats.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a group of men who lead, serve, protect and defend. At its core, Knights of Columbus hope to bring financial aid and assistance to members in need and their families. This is accomplished by giving out Scholarships for Kids, lending a hand in disaster relief efforts, supporting local pregnancy centers by donating ultrasound machines and providing top-quality financial products. The Knights of Columbus meet on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm.
A lector is the person who proclaims the first or second reading at Mass. This person also may lead the Psalm (in the absence of a cantor) and the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass (in the absence of the deacon).
Legión de Maria
A través de la Misa, la Eucaristía, la oración y las reuniones semanales, la Legión de María se enfoca en el enriquecimiento espiritual para servir mejor a la comunidad. La Legión de María sirve a los feligreses proporcionando la Comunión a aquellos que no pueden asistir a Misa, visitando a los que están en hogares de ancianos o que están confinados en sus hogares, y proporciona boletines, materiales religiosos y oraciones a los necesitados. La Legión de María se reúne todos los miércoles a las 7:00 pm.
Legion of Mary
Through Mass, the Eucharist, prayer, and weekly meetings, the Legion of Mary focuses on spiritual enrichment in order to serve the community better. The Legion of Mary serves parishioners by providing Communion to those who are unable to attend Mass, visit those in nursing homes or who are homebound, and provide bulletins, religious materials, and prayers to those in need. The Legion of Mary meets every Wednesday at 7:00 pm.
Prayer and Life Workshop
Prayer and Life Workshops teach the faithful how to pray in an orderly and progressive manner, through courses that are practical using a workshop format. Rather than focusing on the theoretical, these workshops teach prayer by members actively participating in prayer and contemplation. The Prayer and Life Workshops are hosted every Tuesday.
Singles for Christ
CFC Singles for Christ (SFC) is one of the family ministries of Couples for Christ (CFC). It was founded to cater to the needs of single men and women from 21 to 40 years of age. “Single” refers to anyone within that age group who is free from any legal impediments to marriage.
Saint Vincent de Paul
Founded in 1833, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a worldwide organization of lay Catholics, following Christ’s call to serve the poor, the suffering, and the deprived. Our founding activity, still practiced today, is the Home Visit. Through these visits, Vincentian members establish personal relationships with our neighbors in need, not only providing material assistance such as rent, utilities, food, or clothing, but also offering friendship, understanding, and prayer. We meet on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 8:30 am.
Talleres de Oración y Vida
Talleres de oración y vida enseña a los fieles a orar de manera ordenada y progresiva, a través de cursos que son prácticos en formato de taller. En lugar de centrarse en lo teórico, estos talleres enseñan la oración de miembros que participan activamente en la oración y contemplación. Los Talleres de Oración y Vida se realizan todos los martes.
Third Order of the Most Holy Trinity
Third Order Trinitarians are consecrated laypersons in the Trinitarian family. Each tertiary attends to his own sanctification and to the glorification of the Most Holy Trinity by practicing the theological virtues. Guided by the Rule of St. John de Matha, Third Oder Trinitarians follow Christ through the Gospel and strive for the perfection of charity. According to their state in life, they live out their lay vocation in fellowship and in communion with all the members of the Trinitarian family, seeking with all their strength, the glory of the Trinity and the redemption of their brothers and sisters. Members commit to grow in their prayer life with the tools to deepen their faith through ongoing formation and opportunities to serve. Professed members take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience; they serve the Order according to their state in life, and commit to daily prayer, frequent the sacraments, and attend monthly meetings.
Youth Group
The primary goals of the Youth Group is to become more familiar with the Gospel and the church teachings, to help others through community service opportunities, and the growth in our Catholic faith. We also have a great time and we make friends. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month at 6:30 pm in the Library.
For more information about the Ministries, please contact our church office at (305) 233-8711, x 101. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con la Oficina Parroquial al 305-233-8711, x 101.