In the same way as we welcome a new baby into our families at birth, we welcome them into their family of faith, the Church, with a new birth in water and the Holy Spirit. We remember that God himself came as a baby to save us — he was helpless, vulnerable, and dependent on the love and guidance of his earthly parents. As parents and family, we nurture the faith of our newest member.

Infant baptism refers to anyone 6 years old or younger. For children older than 7 years old, the child must attend the Religious Education Program prior to being baptized. All adults 18 or older will receive baptism through the OCIA Program (Sacraments for adults). Because Baptism leaves an indelible (not to be erased) mark on the soul, we don’t re-baptize anyone who has had a Christian baptism that involved water and the words of Baptism. Catholics recognize most other Christian Baptisms.

Baptisms are held at 11:00 AM on the second Saturday of the month in English and the fourth Saturday of the month in Spanish. The baptismal class and the required paperwork must be completed before confirming the date.

In order to start the process, please complete the Baptism Application (see link below) and have the Godparent print and fill out the Godparent Form and have the form signed and sealed by the Pastor/Administrator of the Parish in which the Godparent is registered and attend Mass.

We’ll contact you shortly. For any other questions, please contact our Sacrament Coordinator, Doris Gonzalez by phone at (305) 233-8711 ext. 115, or email

Music, food, or decorations are not allowed during the baptism ceremony. To inquire about space rentals, please call (305) 233-8711, ext. 101 or by email


  • We recommend contacting the office at least six weeks in advance.
  • Baptisms are held at 2:00 PM on the second Sunday of the month in English and the fourth Sunday of the month in Spanish.
  • We ask the parents and godparents to arrive by 1:30 pm.
  • The ceremony should last about 30 to 45 minutes.
  • The baby or child should wear light colors to the baptism to symbolize the innocence and purity celebrated in the ceremony.
  • Offering- There will be envelopes available for donations on the day of the Baptism or you can donate online “give one-time” “Baptism” GIVE ONLINE


Parents, please bring these documents with you to the office or submit by email:

  • Baptism Application (complete online)
  • Child’s Birth Certificate (not hospital birth record)
  • Copy of Photo ID of both parents
  • Baptism Certificates of both parents (or at least one parent)
  • Godparents’ sponsor letter signed and sealed by the Pastor/Administrator of the church in which the Godparent is registered and attends mass
  • Baptism online course completion by the Parents and the Godparents and the certificate of completion
  • Interview with Deacon or Priest (to be scheduled at a later time)

If the parents are not registered parishioners at Holy Rosary – Saint Richard or live outside the boundaries of our parish, please bring a permission letter from your home parish.

For parents who have full custody of the child, please submit the court document. If one of the parents is not Catholic or does not live with the child, and will not be attending the Baptism, please bring a notarized authorization letter in which this parent gives his/her consent for the child to be baptized and brought up as a Roman Catholic.


  • Godparents must:
    • Be a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church.
    • Have received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation.
    • Be married in the Catholic Church, if applicable.
    • Be at least sixteen years of age.
    • Not be the biological or legal parents of the child.
    • Complete the online Baptism course and email the certificate of completion.

Godparents must submit their certificate of confirmation and/or the Sponsor Letter signed and sealed by their Priest and Church where they attend Mass regularly.

Only one Godparent is necessary. A non-Catholic person may serve as a witness as long as there is one Godparent who meets all of the requirements.

Baptismal class

Parents and Godparents are required to complete a baptismal online course and submit the certificate of completion.

Please follow the below instructions.

Please visit to register for the online class.

  • Click “Shop”
  • Click “Sacramental Preparation”
  • Choose online version “Belonging – Baptism in the Family of God” ( You can choose either English or Spanish)
  • When participants set up the account, all names (mother, father, and godparents) should be listed at that time. For example, it would look like this: First Name: John, Jane, Alice; Last Name: Smith, Smith, Lopez). Once you register, send the link to the Godparents to complete the course.
  • If you encounter any problems with the certificate or with your purchase, please call 1-800-376-0520 (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm Est)


En Español

Para toda las informaciones en Español pulse aquí

Our Parish Mission is to nourish our community through The Word and The Sacraments, embracing our diversity as we minister to the needs of others.