About Virtus Protecting God’s Children for Adults Training (From the Archdiocese of Miami)
Ordinarily, VIRTUS training sessions run approximately three hours long and must be attended in person. Due to the subject matter, children are not allowed in the sessions. Participants will not be allowed to enter if arriving late, nor will their attendance be counted if they leave early.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, VIRTUS training sessions will be conducted online. For step-by-step instructions on how to register for an online VIRTUS training session, click here.
To register for a Virtus “Protecting God’s Children for Adults” session, please visit the VIRTUS website here: Register for VIRTUS Training
After completing your VIRTUS training, you will need to read a short bulletin and answer a question every month to remain current with your VIRTUS training. VIRTUS will send you an email every month to let you know when your bulletin is available.
If you have already completed VIRTUS training but cannot access your account, or if you have any other questions, please contact us (305) 233-8711 or email cbaglin@hrsrcs.org